Are you planning on renovating your place?  Before you begin, it’s essential to understand the differences between planning application and consistent planning. These concepts are crucial for ensuring your development project runs smoothly and meets all necessary regulations.

What is Planning Application/Permission?

Planning permission is the formal approval from your local council required for building something new, extending your property, or changing the use of land or buildings. This process helps ensure that developments are appropriate and align with local planning policies and community needs.

Planning regulations are designed to prevent unwanted modifications and ensure that any changes to properties are harmonious with their surroundings. For example:

  • Extensions: Extensions should complement the character of the existing house rather than dominate or overshadow it.
    • Side Extensions: These should be visible from the street and typically must be lower than the current ridge height.
    • Rear Extensions: These offer more flexibility, but they should blend with or complement the existing infrastructure.

Things to Consider When Building

  1. Compliance with Policies
    • Local Council and National Policies: Ensure your building plans comply with both local council regulations and national planning policies.
  2. Environmental Impact
    • Environmental Impact Assessments: Conduct relevant assessments to ensure your project does not negatively impact the environment.
  3. Impact on Neighbours
    • Light and View: The extension should not cause a significant loss of light or view for neighbours.
    • Privacy: Consider the potential loss of privacy from overlooking windows or gardens.
  4. Community Engagement
    • Engage with Neighbours: Discuss your plans with neighbours to address any concerns and seek their support before making an application.

What is Consistent Application?

Consistent planning refers to the uniform enforcement and application of planning regulations and policies across all development projects. It ensures fairness, transparency, and integrity in the planning process, promoting trust and confidence among all stakeholders.

The Importance of Consistent Planning

  1. Fairness and Transparency
    • Equal Treatment: Consistent planning ensures that all applicants are treated equally, preventing favouritism or bias.
    • Clear Expectations: Provides clear guidelines and expectations for developers and the community, promoting trust in the planning process.
  2. Quality and Reliability
    • High Standards: Ensures that all developments meet high standards of design, safety, and sustainability.
    • Predictable Outcomes: This leads to predictable and reliable outcomes, making it easier for developers to plan and invest.
  3. Legal and Ethical Compliance
    • Avoids Legal Issues: It helps avoid legal challenges by ensuring all decisions comply with relevant laws and regulations.
    • Ethical Integrity: Upholds ethical standards, building public confidence in the integrity of the planning process.
  4. Community Confidence and Engagement
    • Public Trust: Builds trust within the community by demonstrating that planning decisions are made fairly and consistently.
    • Active Participation: Encourages community participation and feedback, leading to better-informed and more accepted planning outcomes.

Understanding the differences between planning application/permission and consistent planning is crucial for effective development. Planning application/permission focuses on evaluating and approving specific projects, ensuring each meets local and national regulations. It involves detailed, site-specific assessments and direct stakeholder engagement.

Consistent planning ensures uniform application of policies across all projects, maintaining fairness and transparency through standardised procedures and clear guidelines. This broader approach builds trust and ensures equitable decision-making.

At London Building Contractors, we can assist you with every step of your planning permission process. Whether you need help with detailed assessments, navigating regulations, or engaging with stakeholders, our expert team is here to ensure your project meets all necessary requirements. Contact us today to get started on your successful development journey.

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